VR &ライブ書道パフォーマンス with プロジェクションマッピング
VR & Live Calligraphy Performance with Projection Mapping RIHAKU shows …
If the audience has no knowledge of Japanese characters or all the world audiences, she wants this contemporary calligraphy to stimulate the senses of people across the world, without borders, and reach out to their souls.
When she was a child, she learned how to life from her grandfather and father. They were doctors who were working as health and medical services in a very small island in Japan.
Especially she learned from her father who worked in it 60 years over and had been working 93 years old as a doctor.
Keeping the belief and giving kindness to other persons, that makes people so happy and good energy.
She learned from them and hopes to give lots of good energy with her calligraphy.
And at the same time she learned even if she knows lots of things in a small island, it looks like “ the frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.”
They told her that
“ Be kind. Stay humble! ”
Now she is doing her calligraphy activities domestic and overseas, especially in NYC, the USA. And the cue is from her grandfather and father’s beliefs and a pointing south.
She appreciates it very much.
She really hopes to continue doing the best for her calligraphy!
日々の「書」の制作活動やメディア掲載、渡航先でのイベントなどを思いのままに綴っています。このブログを通じて、書道の楽しさや美文字ポイントなどが少しでも皆さまに伝われば幸いです!是非、井上 理白の日常に触れてください。
Blog観る人の魂を揺さぶる圧巻の書道パフォーマンス出演、書作品のオーダー、会社ロゴデザイン制作、メディア出演・取材。また、教室開設25年を超えた、国内外多数の生徒様への書道伝授、師範取得希望にも対応する 理白のオリジナル書道レッスン等幅広い業務の詳細です。
Work Flow 申し込み書道作品やデザイン等のオファー、価格帯、ブランドとのコラボ、メディア等の出演・取材、書道教室入会についてなど、さまざまなご希望に対応しております。個人・法人問わず、ご相談ベースで承ります。お気軽にお問い合わせください。
Inquiry お問い合わせ日本教育書道連盟 書道教授八段、日本書道美術館 無鑑査作家、井上理白書道会主宰。
NY ミシュラン星獲得レストラン、サンフランシスコ/ジャパンタウン、白鹿酒造など、国内外企業や、ワシントンD.C.日本大使館に、文字作品を提供、また作品収蔵されている。後進の育成。東大寺二月堂・定期的イベントを開催。
Based in both New York and Japan, Rihaku (Rie) Inoue is an esteemed calligraphy artist who has held numerous solo exhibitions, workshops, lectures and live performances in Japan and abroad chiefly in NY.
In addition to running her own organization since 1999, Rihaku is a consultant for the JapanCalligraphy Museum and professor of the Japan Education Calligraphy Federation.
She has sponsorship agreements with companies in NYC and holds collaborations with companies.
She hopes to do her best to put her own outstanding talents and distinguished reputation as a leading calligraphy artist in Japan to use in enabling carry out its mission .
VR & Live Calligraphy Performance with Projection Mapping RIHAKU shows …
「書は言霊』華し(話し)ましょう、理白、私からの揮毫エール、祈りです コロナ禍により、私たちは経験したことのない日々を強いられました。自由に人と会えな…